There are literally thousands of Oklahoma State University wallpapers available online. If you are like me, you want to create your own OSU Cowboys wallpaper to suit your very own tastes. Follow our Oklahoma State wallpaper guide to help create the very best OSU wallpaper for your cell phone, laptop, or desktop computer.
First, get the size of your screen by right-clicking on your desktop and selecting Properties. Click on the Settings tab and look for Screen Resolution. Write this resolution size down, as it will be the size of your wallpaper. The most widely used resolutions include 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, and 1280 x 800.
Open your favorite photo editing program. There are many professional photo editors like Adobe Photoshop, but MS Paint will work, however it has very limited options compared to the advanced editors. Start your Oklahoma State football wallpaper with your own custom canvas settings. Set the canvas to same size as your OSU football wallpaper. This will prevent any distortion when the image is displayed.
Create a background for your Oklahoma State wallpaper. The background can be a solid color or whatever you choose. You can also adjust the background or create a unique design for the background image.
Import your O-State football images. You can slice and cut up your favorite OSU Cowboys images to make different sizes. Use the lasso in Adobe Photoshop or the eraser in MS Paint to trim your images. Use the text box to add text to your Oklahoma State wallpaper. You can also apply various custom effects like color and different font sizes to enhance the text and make it easier to read.
Save the wallpaper you made as a JPEG, GIF, or PNG image when completed and put it in a new folder for easy retrieval. Go back to the Display Settings and click on the Desktop tab. Click the Browse button and locate your Oklahoma State football wallpaper. Select the file and press OK. Click OK and the OSU wallpaper that you just created will be your new computer background.
Download free Oklahoma State University football wallpaper, pictures, screensavers, and desktop backgrounds. You can download an OSU Cowboy picture you love and use it for your own unique computer desktop wallpaper background. We now have downloads of O-State football wallpaper for iPad and Macs. Get Oklahoma State cell phone wallpaper for your iPhone and Android. Get access to our huge inventory of Oklahoma State football wallpaper at Big 12 Football Online.